April 8, 2023

Making a Safe and Simple Transition to INS Global as Your PEO Provider in China

As of 2022, new local regulations in multiple Chinese cities (Beijing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou) have made it harder or even impossible to procure PEO services via industry giants FESCO and CIIC. These regulations mainly concern new restrictions on how fully or partially state-owned companies provide social contributions on behalf of their employees. Due to fears of companies accidentally or purposefully misclassifying their employees, FESCO and CIIC can now not properly offer outsourcing services for their clients in these cities.

INS Global is a fully independent provider of HR outsourcing solutions in China. We are ready to help you seamlessly transition your employee and HR function needs to our platform to ensure an improved operational ability in the country. 

The process is simple;  we can transfer your employees to our HR and payroll outsourcing structure in a matter of days, with no extra hassles. Your employees are free to operate as usual, and our staff will seamlessly integrate all their payroll requirements into our extensive global payroll system.

What are the Benefits of Partnering with INS Global?

1. More Quality Assurance

Seeking the services of a large corporation can seem like a good way to ensure high-quality services. Still, this approach can forget the problems inherent within such a large structure. Your point of contact within those companies could be dealing with hundreds or thousands of clients at once, reducing the attention they give to your needs.

In addition, with lower basic wages focussed on commission from new contracts, these employees will likely favor seeking new clients over retaining your custom.

Alternately, INS Global expansion advisors give their full attention to a more limited number of accounts. We adjust this to ensure our account managers offer the highest-quality customer service possible.

2. No More Continuity Issues

Larger companies suffer from higher rates of turnover due to employee dissatisfaction. When you need full attention on your needs at a critical moment, it can be painful to reintroduce yourself and your requirements to a new account manager each time the old one quits.

INS Global knows how vital this continuity is to you and your goals. We put a lot of effort into improving the experience of our clients and our employees to provide a continuity of service unmatched by competitors. During the pandemic, no INS employee was laid-off or received a pay cut.

3. Long-Term Planning

Planning your moves years in advance is essential to continued success when considering global expansion. With large companies in China being increasingly affected by local regulations that can change your situation quickly and with no warning, you may struggle to make good long-term plans.

INS Global ensures continued quality of service in China and the rest of the world based on constant vigilance and the complete independence of action that comes with a truly private company.

4. A Truly Global Service

Employees working for a large company like FESCO are based in a single country and work solely within that market. This can leave them struggling when required to work with overseas clients or provide services in multiple countries. Instead, you work with multiple people depending on the number of countries you operate in.

INS Global is a truly international company with offices and teams worldwide. We better understand the needs of multinational companies because we work with colleagues and clients worldwide every day. Our service is guaranteed to be as streamlined as possible, with simplified lines of communication being a priority.

5. Clear and Open Communication

INS Global provides quick and efficient feedback as you need it, wherever you are. With teams based in time zones around the world, there’s always someone available to answer your questions or provide guidance.

Rather than a company dealing with sign-up targets in the hundreds or even thousands, we put quality long-term partnerships at the forefront of our priorities. We know the importance of honest business practices in fostering those quality relationships, and we provide all fees and details upfront so you can be sure of our dedication to communication from day one.

6. Always Direct Services

As part of their new restricted services, state-owned companies in China are required to outsource their own services to yet more third parties, meaning more potential for miscommunication, delays, and poor-quality service.

On the other hand, INS Global handles every matter related to China directly via our Shanghai headquarters and our employees. This way, we can guarantee the highest level of service available.

If recent regulatory changes can be taken as evidence of a trend, it’s likely that similar restrictions may be coming in other cities around China. Likewise, other large service providers with state investment may be similarly limited in the services they can offer in the future.

That’s why transitioning your PEO needs to a fully independent service provider like INS Global is crucial to your continued success in China.

We are a company with a history of providing top-quality global expansion solutions to clients in China since 2006. As a company founded in Asia, our teams of global mobility advisors are experts in everything you need to know to ensure safe and efficient functions in China.

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